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Canada facing its Local and crises

An economy that relies heavily on exports (which are experiencing accelerated turbulence), but which is not very focused on the local economy, and which struggles to remain strong in the face of various crises.

Germany's senior citizens, the way forward for the German economy

Faced with an ageing population, Germany's strength is sagging, unable to keep pace with the new economic environment facing all nations. The first priority is to take seniors into account.


Yemen, a land capability

The economy and strength of Yemen's territory make it a highly strategic location, as well as one of the nations with the most impressive internal and external security assets.

European union : a down economy

A territory that, for several decades now, has lacked the capacity to exchange between its members, and can only remain a powerless economy.

Saudi Arabia, sailing the high seas, how to get there

Leadership sought through partners whose priorities are not in the same direction, coupled with an economic strength that is not considered, leads to focus on and/or treading water.


Africa, doors without
a path

– Asia, driven by local
players and destroyed
by international
pressureEurope between
serious crises and

Domination of Middle
East: an economy in
search of unreliable
organizers who delay
their command or

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